Russell’s Western Wear: Display Campaigns

Display Advertising Campaigns

I conceptualized, designed, and successfully executed display campaigns around key sales events and holidays. Additionally, I budgeted, placed, and executed geo-targeted display campaigns and localized promotions/specials to drive sales.

Variable Data Email
Retargeting Campaigns

Just before launch of the redesigned website, I worked with the sales and marketing departments of Russell’s Western Wear to organize and implement email lists and consumer purchase histories into variable-data email campaigns. I conceptualized, designed and published email templates with featured articles and promotions, along with focused emails using data analytics to monitor cart/browse abandonment.

Geo-Targeting Campaigns

Even for retail clients with a strong web presence/supporting campaigns, the need for localized promotions (geo-targeting) is extremely important. This is especially true for my work with Russell’s Western Wear. Founded just outside of Tampa Florida, they have been a mainstay for boots and western wear for decades. Working with the marketing department of Russell’s, we capitalized on their reputation in Central Florida by designing and producing geo-targeted email campaigns, direct-mail pieces, downloadable coupons, and bag stuffers for “locals only” promotions.

All-in-all it was an inexpensive campaign that not only drove great sales to brick-and-mortar locations,
but also added to their word-of-mouth reputation- and spiked web sales to boot!