All3Sports: Display & Email Campaigns

Product Page &
Website Design

For All3Sports, I quickly realized that a good portion of site visitors were lost in the checkout process. To reduce abandonment and attrition, I designed and published a new website, created pop-ups and forms to funnel sales, and created detailed “mega-menus” for easy access to product information.

In addition, I completely overhauled All3Sport’s product pages and checkout process to provide more options to consumers- along with a faster, more user-friendly experience. 

Email Retargeting Campaigns

Just before launch of the redesigned website, I worked with the sales and marketing departments of All3sports to organize and implement email lists and consumer purchase histories into variable-data email campaigns. I conceptualized, designed and published email templates with featured articles and promotions, along with focused emails using data analytics to monitor cart/browse abandonment.

The variable data in these email campaigns allowed for multiple design and product iterations tailored specifically to the individual consumer, resulting in an overwhelmingly successful campaign for All3Sports.

Display Advertising Campaigns

I conceptualized, designed, and successfully executed display campaigns around key sales events and holidays. Additionally, I budgeted, placed, and executed geo-targeted display campaigns and localized promotions/specials to drive online traffic and to promote foot traffic in brick and mortar locations.